Dette er vores sidste afsnit fra vini d’italia. Enrico Nada var så venlig at snakke lidt med os om hans vine, og om årgang 2006.
Cantina NADA GIUSEPPE importeres af Langhe Vine, og producerer meget elegante og vellavede vine.
Dear friends,
thank you very much for your kind interview, I’m very proud that you gave me and to my family’s company Nada Giuseppe, the chance to have a space on this great website.
Viniditalia -thanks to our importer Langhe Vine- was a great success, and for Danish people has been an important event to discover Italian Wines, especially those from Piemonte.
I renew my invitation to visit our company and discover more about our products and our wines.
Thank you for your interest,
Enrico Nada
Nada Giuseppe, Treiso, Italia.
Hello Enrico
First of all is it me who should thank you, for this interview.
Us, here on winefactory are very happy to present your company´s wines and hope to show the viewers more about all the great wines you are making.
Thank you for you time,
Wine factory